Friday, November 5, 2010

Woe is me...

I type today from the waiting room of the Apple computer hospital where my beloved fourth child (my camera qualifies as the third child) is in unstable and grave condition. Though a mere four months old and bursting with all of the top of the line goodies, my 17" MacBook Pro can no longer recognize its hard drive and is in dire need of exploratory surgery and possibly an emergency transplant. Needless to say, I'm slightly irked and wanted to let you all know there won't be any photos for a while. Luckily most of them are backed up -- until Halloween anyway and hopefully we can retrieve the rest. Back up your files regularly, friends! It's a real bitch to lose anything.

Off now to a long weekend in whakatane for trey's 13th birthday. Happy to be dealing with a computer failure as opposed to giving birth to that big kid again!! :-) cheers everyone!


  1. Oh, NO!! What a bummer for you AND all of your addicts!!

  2. Is it repaired yet? I've normally read two new posts by now! I need a fix!

  3. Such a bummer. I could go on for hours, believe me. I should have it back with new hard drive tomorrow -- wednesday here. The lost data is still up in the air. Using the iPad for now to pay bills emails recipes etc. I just really hope they can recover the videos that the kids have taken on their iPods. Am seriously considering turning in my apple cult member card.

  4. Karin, I think it's too late to try to turn in your apple card. Just move on;)
